martedì 18 dicembre 2012

Seven days to..........

Missing seven days....

 We should all remember to look at the sky....

 We will Santa Claus with his sleigh pulled by reindeer and Rudolf as leader of the pack.........

I wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS.......

And.... I do it with my  Cross Stitch postcard......

And this is the  pattern.

Merry Christmas to all.

With Love.

sabato 1 dicembre 2012


A Small free for you to ...

Remember to feed the birds because with winter are struggling to find food.

With Love.

sabato 3 novembre 2012

And while drinking....

You make me company?????

One color for this simple Cross Stitch pattern...

And while drinking a cup of coffee embroidery takes shapes....

With Love.

giovedì 25 ottobre 2012

The last step of....

And here's the last embroidery dedicated to Sweet Noel...

And... Whatt could emerge from the Heart????

A Teddy Bear!!!!In additon to the colors used in the other two embroidery:


( As the second step if you are creating a unique embroidery respected the gap of 22 Stitch Count)
Colors will be used:


Armed with these embroidery threads...

After work....

Will remain a concrete memory of Sweet Noel....

And.... This is the complete embroidery.

With Love.

mercoledì 3 ottobre 2012

Second step......

Trhee colors....

Nothing changes in the colors for the second step of SAL....

From the little heart you begin to see who is coming out.....

If you want to make a unique creation from the first heart to this is a gap of 22 Stitch Count.......

And here's the first set of two hearts.....

I'll see you in three weeks for the last step of SAL!!!! 

With Love. 

lunedì 17 settembre 2012

In three steps.....

A new project came to life ....

In three steps at a distance of 3 weeks each ......

A preview for the Christmas Festivities ....

As one panel, or 3 distinct creations, the choice is yours .....

See you in three weeks for the next step ....

.(Stitch count for all the pattern 165x 345) 

With love.

martedì 28 agosto 2012


A simple Teddy Bear for an event that I care a lot ......

Sweet Noel

With love.

martedì 12 giugno 2012

Bright colors.....

Close your eyes and imagine to be kids .....

And if we dive into this dream, what can you imagine??

The lollipop .....

Bright colors for these Sweetness.

With Love.

venerdì 8 giugno 2012

If you.....

Close your eyes and imagine being in ....

With Love.

lunedì 28 maggio 2012

Go on......

Wounded soul but strong at the same time, we will not be defeated by this earthquake ......

A simple letter to remind our land ..... . the 'Emilia'
Daisies to say that we can be reborn from the rubble and our land will flourish ......

Feriti nell'anima ma forti nello stesso tempo,noi non saremo sconfitti da questo terremoto......

Una semplice lettera per ricordare la nostra  terra..... l' Emilia.
Margherite per dire che dalle macerie riusciremo a rinascere e la nostra terra fiorirà......

If you want to see another classic embroidery pattern click Here
Se volete vedere un'altro schema a ricamo classico cliccate Qui

With Love and sadness.
Con Amore e tristezza.

giovedì 24 maggio 2012

The Show must go on.....

Il titolo del post può avere molti significati......
Io lo uso per un paio di pretesti.....

In primis, la mia terra, il paese dove ho vissuto per 43 anni è stata colpita da un grossissimo terremoto, tutt'ora la terra continua a tremare, nonostante tutto con immensa dignità nel dolore la gente, pur avendo perso tutto sono già pronti per rimettersi in carreggiata con forza di volontà per non farsi sopraffare dall'immensa tragedia.

Ora  abito a 23 km dal centro del sisma e la terra trema anche da noi ma fortunatamente non vi sono i danni che sono avvenuti dove ho vissuto.....

Lo ha detto pure Freddy Mercury in una canzone e forse per tanti potrà essere così...... passate le prime 2 giornate forse in tanti che non abitano in questi posti devastati non danno più ascolto a questa terribile tragedia oppure si sentono indifferenti perchè...
Lo show deve continuare.......

They title of the post can have many meanings ......
I use it for a couple of good reasons .....

First, my land, the village where I lived for 43 years was hit by a very big earthquake, the earth continues to tremble still, despite everything with great dignity in suffering people despite having lost everything are ready to get back on track with the willpower to not be overwhelmed by the immense tragedy.

Now I live in 23 km from the center of the quake and the earth shakes us too,fortunately there are not damages that are occurring where I lived .....

He also said Freddy Mercury in a song and perhaps for many will be so ...... past the first 2 days, perhaps many who do not live in these places devastated  not give more attention to this terrible tragedy, or feel indifferent because ...

The show must go on .......

Scusate lo sfogo ma vedere la mia terra così mi riempe di dolore e di rabbia!!!!
Sorry for the outburst but see my land so I fill with pain and anger!!

Le immagini che posto sono per me significanti, in modo così esponeziale...
Crepe nella terra e nell'asfalto.
(se volete vedere altre foto cliccate Qui  )

Di solito il mio saluto è "Con Amore"
Ma oggi mi sento di salutarvi con il cuore colmo di tristezza.

Usually my greeting is "With Love"
But today I feel I greet you with a heart full of sadness. 

The images that place are significant for me, so exponential ...
Cracks in the soil and asphalt.
(If you want to see more photos click Here )

Con il cuore colmo di tristezza.
With hearts full of sadness.


(Le immagini sono prese da Fb e se in qualche modo l'autore non gradisse siano pubblicate mi impegno a toglierle subito.) 

martedì 15 maggio 2012

For a Spring day....

A walk in the beautiful Spring day... 

A straw hat on is head..... and it seeems that the world will smile!!!!

With Love.

venerdì 11 maggio 2012

Dedicated to mothers

"A te che sei il mio grande amore 
Ed il mio amore grande 
A te che hai preso la mia vita 
E ne hai fatto molto di più 
A te che hai dato senso al tempo 
Senza misurarlo 
A te che sei il mio amore grande 
Ed il mio grande amore " 

These words, part of a song by  Jovanotti are words of love addressed to a woman ....

There are many types of love and one is ....

The love of mothers .....

 This love overwhelms our lives , as the force of a hurricane....
And ... it is so wonderful! 

The heart of every mother is filled with love ...

It can hold so much and still remain lightweight ......

Like a butterfly .....

Dedicated to my mother nad all the mothers of the world.

With Love.

lunedì 7 maggio 2012

At any time.......

Is too early for a good cup of tea??

Absolutely not!

 A good cup of tea is pleasant at any time of day ....

With Love.

mercoledì 2 maggio 2012


Thinking of Minnie Mouse.....
What'is the thing that identifies it????

Imagine a summer handbag,created by you....
A needlebook....
Or a jacket....

Using all the fantasy that there is in every one of us can create something wonderful.....

With Love.

sabato 28 aprile 2012


Light and delicate....

Is a blink of an Angel's wings....

Happy weekend to all.
With Love.

martedì 24 aprile 2012

I do not.......

I do not follow the trail ....
I often go against the tide and perhaps you can tell from all the patterns that I make Cross Stitch ....

Union Jack ...
The symbol of Great Britain ... the place where I was born.

With Love.

venerdì 20 aprile 2012

It is spring, but.....

Spring ......
New life for Mother Nature after the long winter sleep ....
The flowers show their blooms but they are often wet from the rain ......
Remember when you leave the house to always carry an umbrella with us .....
Why the rain often makes us company!!

With Love.

lunedì 16 aprile 2012

The key right.....

What you need to open a heart to love??

The key right .....

I decided to draw keys, who knows ...... maybe some heart opens and love will come.

This is my free for all of you.

With Love.

sabato 14 aprile 2012


I love Kokeshi.
And...... this is my Cross Stitch Pattern.
All for you !!

Happy weekend.
With Love.

giovedì 12 aprile 2012

I Love.......

Who does not love handbags raise your hand......

Think you will see many hands up!!!

And here's a small part of a new project.....

If you are interested in the complete project, please email us.
With Love.

lunedì 26 marzo 2012

I'm back.....

I'm back and I hope to start this new adventure, I love to create cross stitch patterns, and this is my first free...... 

A simple birdcage. 

With love.